Server Technologies
Server Technologies
Bayside Networks provides support for a wide range technologies and operating systems:
Microsoft Windows Server
Linux, primarily Ubuntu and CentOS
On premises, cloud (IAAS) based, or hybrid setups.
Importantly, we always put a client’s business facing needs at the front and center. Rather than starting with technology first – we start by asking what a client is actually trying to accomplish or improve upon? With that question in mind, we can consider the technology options available to meet the customer’s needs.

As a first step we often recommend creating an updated diagram of their technology setup. Exchanging emails and detailed written proposals full of ideas and specifics can be helpful, but a few updated good diagrams is usually an excellent place to start an upgrade or system change discussion. We can provide sample diagrams from many past projects upon request (of course the specific details of the customers involved and their technology information is kept confidential).
Key aspects of a well managed server system include:
Centralized management to assure updates and security settings are kept in proper and up to date. Tools such as Microsoft Intune or Ubuntu's Landscape system are commonly used for this purpose.
Backups must be professionally implemented and supervised on a daily basis.
Avoid use of EOL software or server hardware that is more than 5 years of age.
Align your server related systems and practices with a Cybersecurity standard that is appropriate for your buisiness. We operate within a general alignment with the NIST 800-171 CSF standard and suggest the same approach for most of our clients that are not subject to other more specific standards relative to their industry type.
There is a good chance that we already work with organizations or businesses here in the San Diego area that you are familiar with or may very well do business with already. We work very hard to develop all of our clients as energetic references for Bayside Networks. Please give us a call today for a client reference sheet and more information on our support options and services.